Terrific Tuesday

In Communication, News, Self Improvement on May 26, 2020 at 9:03 am


Talk about keeping time — it’s Day 2 already.
I’m up with my jo and collegiate notes, to comprehend a vibe more “steady.”

Are you ready? The feeling that is waxing me is quite warm.
My heart is receptive to your forthright charms.

Come with it, Tuesday.
I’m a tapered wick on this fuse day.candle-light-flame.gif

Light me up. I can stand it.
There’s opportunity on the horizon and I want to hand it

to us both.
Honing it will take some considerable growth.

You’ve grown an inch already this week. Ooo, la-la, look at you.
Let your growth reflect in your work; be a Friday on Day 2.

Me? The last few months of school are trying and very spiked —
with an over abundance of work. The kind of flow that I like.

Tuesday: make me feel alright about letting go of it all at the end.
Learning sustains creativity’s churning – the university’s my best friend.

Learning and I will continue to date. I’m a steady girl, no doubt.
And we’ll make love through scripted doves; morale’s my goto pal.

Yesterday was beautiful, yesterday is gone.
Today is about we. Rise like a Phoenix; be strong.

Be who you want to be today; mess up your perfect hair.
All is fair in love – no war. Good vibes were made to share.

Are you vibing good, and is all well?
Are you fulfilled and happy with yourself?

Mondays are miraculous muse-days…
Please enjoy the Fibonacci inside of this Tuesday.

I am already in route.
As the day progresses, I’ll fill it out.

A spiral of goodness that is the capacity of our merits.
To be alive and to feel yields this day to be Terrific.

Do you feel it? Start with affirmations and let the vibe well-up in your chest.
I’m Qui
Celebrating Day 2 with thee, because we do it best. Go forth and conquer all; your drive is the test.


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Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

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