Posts Tagged ‘quad luncefore’


In Communication, Griot, News, TV Shows on February 27, 2017 at 6:54 am


Women talk. It’s WHAT we do.

Well child, we ‘done wrapped up MARRIED TO MEDICINE’s 4th season,
Lisa Nicole and Heavenly’s issues are a very live reason

to keep tuning in. The drama is real as is the sisterly communion.
Still a bigger fire singed the set of MARRIED TO MEDICINE’s Part 1. Reunion.

Did you see it? Honey, please tell me that you did.
There were tea stains and ruffled bangs between the cast of “breast friends.”

Mariah cancelled the boot on her foot. That thing was starting to meddle me.
Then she showed up in “twinsie footwear and earrings” exactly matching Heavenly.

The ladies were beautiful on the couch, competition was too tight to be outdone.
But when it came to high-siding energy – good Lord, our dear Heavenly won.

In Part 2 of the Reunion Mariah and Heavenly exchanged verbal blows
Tit for tat, Heavenly was on that ass and ‘to the wind’ Mariah did go.

Though not before Mariah called Heavenly a bullfrog and said she looked dusty.
Heavenly came back with “Yo mamma” and Mariah’s face grew real crusty.

Yes honey! The ladies were sweating, I know some must have been musty,
Though you couldn’t tell, by the glamour swell – not a shoe in the house was dusty.

Then during a commercial break Mariah had a change of heart –
Being twinsies with Heavenly had the aoura of a cabbage fart.

She just couldn’t do it.
During the break she ditched the shoes and earrings and said SCREW IT!

Mariah would rather be bare footed than dub Kimes style.
I reckon that’s what up – but Heavenly rocked ‘em child.

mtm-3Anywho, these mocha reflections of me and you – I dig them. I do.
I’m proud of Toya, Simone and Quad too.
For family, they’ve been there – each has come through.

Hard times took Simone’s father and downgraded Toya’s house.
It brought Quads brother to town, more love abound – then they moved out.

Jackie and Curtis are still in a realtively odd place.
It pained me to see the honest reactions on Curtis’ face

When Dr. Jackie said, ‘if things don’t work out, he can find someone else.’
That shocked my shick. I was like, “Jackie. What the hell?”

It was apparent that she was fired up and not thinking clearly.
I beg of thee to work harder Dr. J. – hold the regards of love dearly.

dr-jackie-married-to-medicine-hubbyDr. Simone has had much to say in reference to your relationship indentions.
Breaking from work and playing more with Curtis was in those mentions.

You gotta listen sister.
It ain’t easy to secure a “down for you” mister.

You and I – we’re pretty strong and stronger are our sires.
Let us not ruin it all by the passion of our fires.

Yes. I’m still Mirror watching.
Now I’m off to do a little Netflix clocking.

Married To Medicine has been good this season,
And yes Mariah, you’ve made sure Quad is the reason.

Mariah, I love you I do, you’ve got awesome self-loving pride
But it’s hard to get close to ya, because you’re a tad ugly on the inside.

It seems you’re role is old – let go of playing “the victim”
Your storyline is getting lost. Recalibrate and flip ‘em!

mariah-huq-faces.gifNext season please come back and share with us who you were
before the reality show’s birth; share magnetic character,  reveal your true worth.

Not the side eye, face making, trumped up girth.
I think you have real purpose – please unearth.

Remind the people why you are woman on the top,
And with the backbiting and face making – you can stop.

I’m looking in the Mirror and fixing my own face.
Black women are entertaining in a reality space.

But when the television show ends and the tube goes off,
Please believe medicine or not, counters are paying the cost.

Let’s look at self often and keep ourselves in check.
I’m Qui
Ladies keep pushing your side-gig and we’ll keep the connect.

For each of you I’ve got