Posts Tagged ‘Elder Life Financial’

I’m surrounded by KKK

In Communication, Griot, Networking, Self Improvement on March 31, 2016 at 7:29 am
I prayed like Daniel and each woman showed up...

At first I felt alone, but then I prayed like Daniel and each woman showed up and surrounded me with knowledge… 

… and it feels like they love me. I’m an artists wandering through the manual of the generations before me; they are better known as ‘the baby boomers.’ They accomplished some pretty iconic and cool things in the height of their productive era. My parents are baby boomers and the golden years are approaching. My father served this great country via the United States Air Force in his youth, in fact his initial squadron was SAC [Strategic Air Command] in Puerto Rico. It was my first time living out of the country. My family loved it.

Many moons have passed and Mom & Dad divorced and he remarried in 2012. As their golden years open up I am charged with choreographing their long term care and residential situation. Being that I’m barely 40 and my knowledge of retirement care and senior living is green,  –I am going for it anyway (a better understanding).

Beyond the Veterans Administration hooking me up with Kathy, a representative for hospice services to help me grasp the scope of my parents medical situation I did a little research online and found Kali on an awesome site that acts as a recruiting rep./ a liaison of sorts between the family and senior living properties.  Then ON TOP OF THAT I was blessed to be contacted by Kim. Kim works for a financial company that has come along to offer me a bridge loan for any financial lack the seniors may have during their residential transition period. These ladies are a 40-year old daughters DREAM TEAM when it comes to heading up her parents Senior Living journey.

They are truly angels, they have been the wind beneath my wings delivering me, each woman to the other in harmonious production. And no, they don’t all know each other. Their initials are


I’m not even pulling the wool or “the hood” over your eyes when I say this: “KKK likes me and I like them back.” I’m quite fond of the services that they provide. They make the “senior golden years journey” go  much smoother than it otherwise would alone. Both Kali and Kathy have said on several occasions “I’m praying for you and your family.” You guys know that’s my lingo! ❤ My triple K team is alright with me.


I’m a real go-getter, self sufficient, I enjoy doing it on my own.
I thought I could patch together most things, by merely being grown.

Boy was I wrong in this case and I indeed needed much help.
And together we conquered great hurdles of debt and less wealth.

Kim was a phone call away. Kim is sweet as honey.
Kim is with ElderLifeFinancial. The folks with bridging money. 😀

Kali is with OUR PARENTS and she makes it her business to be personal and relate.
She listened to me rant on about their situation and how they needed to relocate.

She generated a list and it worked out well for us
then it was Kathy with Heartland Hospice who yielded the most love!

If Kathy didn’t live in Texas, I’d have bypassed the phone chat for a )))HUG(((.
Each of these ladies did more than their fair share and more than enough

for me to map out each step needed to take.
I’m Qui
blessed to receive such goodness from KK and K.


Kathy, Kali and Kim
