Posts Tagged ‘Jill’

Messy Medicine – I’m Married to IT.

In Communication, Griot, Networking, Sports, TV Shows on August 14, 2015 at 7:10 am

Lisa Nicole Cloud and hubby, Darren

Okay, okay, you know I take my black reality shows to heart
therefore I am sure to NOT miss a single show via DVR.

Married to Medicine is full of stars, slights and eyebrows up,
there’s tea, there’s shade and things “married society” would forbade – all up in the cut.

Lisa Nicole stays in a rut. Scrip-scrap!
Though I do have to give the show producers “BIG dap!”

2 episodes past the stripper club wheres asses clap
we still have Lisa and her hubbys infidels on tap.

Now I’m an avid MARRIED TO MEDICINE watcher
so if Lisa reads this and comes for me — don’t stop her!

I’ll be waiting. I see how she rolls.
She gone keep throwing water till that lip gets swoll.

I’m not a fighter of fists, sticks and bones but please let it be heard:
if you come at me sideways talking yay-yay, I’ll ‘cut you to the nub’ with my words.

I spit facts that hit hard like verbs.
I tattle so smooth, it’ll elevate the viewers like herbs.

Anywho, the truth of the matter is, there are more than a few sisters on this show
that have issues with one another… but it never gets old. It’s good television, Yo!

The hair and the fashions just can not be beat
The men that pair these women, love them dearly and each so sweet.

I like the dynamics and the chemistry boo-boo’s will get them paid.
But what was up with the info on the last episode? Something ’bout “gay?”

Did you hear it? It was at the show’s end, when the editors were forecasting WHAT’S NEXT,
a guy approached Quad with an “Oh my God!” That made me roll and snap my neck.


Roll and snap my neck like this!

Lisa Nicole was outed by a stripper highlighting ‘this is [Lisa’s] hubby’s favorite club.’
And then Lisa went ape-ish on Jill; like she was itching to be a hands-on thug.

Lisa thought Jill paid the stripper to lie about Darren.
But why would Jill do that? She’s not privy Lisa’s husbands affairin.’

I wanna know more NOW, but at first I wasn’t carin’.
Lisa’s always high-strung when you mention ol’ Darren.

Like I said, the show is mad interesting. I see the deeds and seeds they’re sewing.
I’m going to sit back & laugh at the hype & the gas; a live show with no Terrel Owens.

Terrel Owens drama was never boring or shorn.
I enjoyed him anxting folks. I had my popcorn.

I enjoy Married to Medicine and I really do hope the theatrics are all for show.
But what about that little WHAT’S NEXT snippet when that dude was talking to Quad, yo?

I’m concerned about that little part that just absolutely, twisted me around three times and threw me —
Ol’ boy said to Quad, ‘What is she [Lisa] going to say when she finds out he’s sleeping with me?’

Do whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
That’s my time – on this cut.

I appreciated their lil’ sneak peek. Next week we are all going to see.
Be easy. Be sweet.  Peace & blessings. I am Qui 
and sometimes Medicine can be a little Messy.