Posts Tagged ‘nanny Ms. Renee’

Married To It

In Communication, Griot, Networking, Self Improvement, TV Shows on January 22, 2018 at 6:16 am

Bravo’s Married To Medicine reality series is an hour block of time that I really and truly enjoy. Politics, ethics, relationships and creative television content are lacking a great amount of wellness; therefore, watching this reality series is like taking Vitamin C. It offers functional insight into relative professional and familial dysfunction.

The cast consist of six women, four of which are doctors. They are:



heavenly_kimes_mtm.jpgI love these women. Dr. Heavenly is the only DDS in the group and she used to be the only cast member whose husband is also a doctor (MD) until Dr. Contessa joined the cast this season.

Aghhhh!!! That’s what’s up! There’s nothing like reeling the reality of everyday power couples. They’ve got my attention, I’m sizing them up and I like the way they stand. Purposeful.

The reality storyline touches on the relationship issues of a few of the women like Quad, Dr. Simone and even Dr. Contessa . Hardly anyone is spared this season… each one is Married To It.

dr_simone_cecil_mtm.jpgDr. Simone and hubby, Cecil are in the throes of working through a conflict. Cecil took 25K out of their joint bank account worth no heads up to Simone. While working through it we learned that he did so to invest in an adolescents side-gig app that connects adult neighbors with available teens who are willing to do domestic chores for a relative fair: KIDZ FORCE.

quad_eugene_mtm.jpgQuad and her psychiatrist hubby, Dr. Greg are having .miscommunication issues. Dr. Greg has been trying to communicate that he wants a child or two with his wife; a legacy from his loins to share his successes with, but Quad is midway with her successful accomplishments and would not like to stop at this point and start a family. The two of them make an adorable and beloved power couple, with much to offer the viewing public. I suggest they pull it together. I’m pulling for them to both achieve their relationship and legacy objectives.

Miss-Renee-Married-to-Medicine.jpgDr. Contessa is new to the scene and her hubby seems to be cool beans however it was their nanny, (R&B Singer Donell Jones’ mother) Ms. Renee, who brought the ill drama and owns the spotlight of “the misunderstood.” She called her employer (who is Dr. Contessa) [a] “black doctor -itch.” Why? And to Make matters worst she said it at Mariah’s house at a square event in front of the entire cast, crew members and other guests. I sure hate that. This show is about growth and that particular scene wrenched a growth stunt. Ms. Renee seemed sweet enough prior to losing it. I can’t wait to see how she broaches redemption and what she attributes her past vulgarities to.

dr_jackie_curtis_mtm.jpgDr. Jackie and Curtis are communicating again. That’s good.
Curtis stepped out on her and rumors implied that he was serving wood.

He has since stepped out of his feelings and gone back to reclaim his life.
He’s making in-home visits to Dr. Jackie; the long form apologize.

Hey! He’s gotta start somewhere.
The fact that Jackie is open – is more than fair.

Way to go you two! Life is real, ain’t no crooking.
Time is non refundable
Curtis I appreciate you being humble.
Your character is shining and the world is looking.

Toya and Dr. Eugene: You two are the most fun!
The diehard Eugene does his thing for Toya & sons.

No disruptive news there.
Seems when in Love all is fair.

Taxes still matter – they squeeze like the mob.
Eugene is not Jamaican but indeed has 3 jobs.

Toya keeps him happy. She is his baby truly.
She’s eye candy, she feeds him dandy and wags a big booty.

Southern girls!

Collard greens and cornbread go well with a well balanced life.
I’m Qui
And when it comes to reality reel this series is worth the bite.

I’m all in – hook, line, sinker and relative bits.
The group is a nice mix of professionals that halt us from sick.
Yes-Yes! I’m Married To It.