Posts Tagged ‘Cookie Recipes’

Presidential COOKIE Bake-Off

In Communication, Griot, Networking, News on July 8, 2012 at 4:19 pm


Presidential Cookie Bake-Off

Michelle Obama says:
“Every evening Barack, the girls and I sit down for a family dinner with good conversation and healthy food. If we want to splurge, the white and dark chocolate chip cookies created by the girls’ godmother, is the perfect special treat.”

Mama Kaye’s White & Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies makes 5 dozen cookies.
Prep 15 minutes and Bake at 375 degrees for 12 minutes per batch.

click the recipe to enlarge it

Ann Romney says:
“Mitt and I love spending time with our grandchildren. Whenever we get together you can be sure that we’ll mix up a batch of our family favorite M&M’s cookies. They smell delicious coming out of the oven– our grandkids can’t resist them.

M&M’s Cookies makes 3 dozen cookies.
Prep 15 minutes
Bake at 325 degrees for 18 minutes

click the recipe to enlarge it

They are [both] requesting that you give-it-a-bake
then cast your vote for the tastier plate.

I, for one, am going to bake them both
then run and tell which one I liked most.

Join me in casting your vote:
[Polls will remain open until noon on August 15th, 2012 (my birthday)
You can vote once per day.
Final tally will be in the November issue on sale in October