Posts Tagged ‘Quad’


In Communication, Griot, Networking, Self Improvement, TV Shows, Video on February 5, 2018 at 9:17 am


So much went on last week on satellite TV that I failed to mention
this griot piece of intentional release that I created with specific indention.

Starting with Cecil and Simmone:
Is the love really all gone?

I heard, via the clip that you two are mid-course
on severing the union; you’ve filed for divorce.

I’m sorry to hear that.
You are a positive picture in the Culture of Black.

This bodes for a more detail conversation. On this topic, I’ll be back…

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Skirt It, Curtis!

Last week’s MARRIED TO MEDICINE was something indeed.
I heard about the verge in Jamaica, but how’s the Barbados’ weed?

I only ask because during Ep. 12 Island Fever we indeed flirted
with the idea that all is not completely understood with our beloved Curtis.

Besides inappropriately pulling Toya into his lap a couple of episodes back,
It seems the art of making up with his wife, properly –  may be a trait of lack.

I’m in your corner Curtis! I truly am. I want your union to work.
You made your point when you took a side joint out of being hurt.

Skirt It, Curtis! The world is watching. If you can hear me, you’ve got to back me!
Be informed young man, that which makes you taller than you stand –
Is indeed your wife; that woman named Jackie.

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It’s a DETAIL THING, Dear Dr. Eugene

No this spoonful post is not a MARRIED TO MEDICINE read… well maybe it is. 🙂
Only because we as fans understand life is not all hype episodes and glitz.

We love your style and your Psychological capacity to affect the way that we feel,
but outside of the MD’s office, I need you to increase your standing appeal.

I offer the same advice to your lovely wife. She’s the wisest broad.
I’m pulling for her, she’s a proud skirt, but you knew that when you met Quad.


About a married man…

She calls you Petty Betty and then she completely commits to the part.
It’s clear the two of you are wounded. I suggest you search your hearts.

I suggest you both focus less on the show and more on you guys.
It’s the magic that you had prior to BRAVO that was good medicine to our eyes.

Don’t get caught up in the productions and bankable checks.
These are always staple ingredients for reality TV to relationship wreck.

At the end of the day, I love the production and each one of the cast.
I’m Qui
Weighing in, in hopes that the harmonious healing vibe will continue to last.

Collectively, you all yield us insight into life, love and a more fulfilled laugh.

Mondays Barriales & Aerials

In Communication, Griot, News, Self Improvement, TV Shows on February 6, 2017 at 7:31 am


Oh my goodness gracious let me do break it down
I was local all last week though I feel like I’ve been out of town.

Let’s start with Atlanta, I ain’t dropped in in a minute
But Married To Medicine & RHOA have called me back in it.

I’m not much for taking medicine – I just don’t like to do it.
Though my love for the forementioned Bravo show proves I’m married to it. 😀

There’s Dr. Jackie, Dr. Simone, Dr. Heavenly, Mariah, Lisa Nicole, Toya and Quad.
As for how much #Illness accumulates therein? My God! There is a lot.

It’s addictive and I don’t want to stop,
The husbands are accommodating and the wives are hot!

quad-greg-mtm-2017Dr. Greg is Quad‘s man and I love his energy
I also have a soft spot for a Toyas Dr. Eugene.

These men appear soft spoken but aren’t shy in saying what they mean.
I’m also quite cut for Dr. Jackie & Simone’s betrothed C’s.

Curtis and Cecil — we don’t hear from them as much.
Curtis is Jackie’s sweetheart and Cecil is Simone’s 20-year love.

Yes child, Simone and Cecil did a 20-year wedded bliss shout
In Hawaii and invited all of their cast mates out.

There was drama in the arrive or should I say the lack of,
2 of the women arrived alone without their long time loves.

The two were Dr. Jackie and Lisa Nicole.
One stabilizes the group and one is quite cold.

Well that’s my opinion.
Lisa is cute but can be a little minion.

Who isn’t a little tricky from time to time?
Well more often than not Lisa is ISO #AShine!

And it’s thirsty looking but then there are those peaches in glam pearls
Just down the Atlanta road – those RHOA girls.

They are not MD’d but could use one indeed,
perhaps some Xanax, snacks, liq or weed?

kenya-moore-2017.jpgBut the deeds done by Kenya (Ms. Drama Queen Forever) Moore
screams we need more doctors making rounds on a door-2-door score.

Makes me want to reach back to Fridays #MTM
and  ask Dr. Eugene to send Dr. [Psychiatrist] Greg and ‘nem.

Remember Toya’s husband (Eugene) had that Dr. house call service?
I wonder if that has anything to do with their troubles with the IRS?

Well it seems on RHOA that all is okay
Though I’m a little concerned with Porsha’s plate.

She wants to have a child and that’s okay
But she’s so pretty and the day is late

Porsha is on the look for a qualified mate.
Todd Stewart won the spot but can he make the grade?

porsha-stewart-todd-2017Porsha usually looks “thirsty” during the show as she presses forward a “specific mingle.”
It leaves the viewer with little to wonder about when trying to comprehend why she’s single.

She’s one of my favorite cast members – I mean truly.
She’s degreed, successful & carefree not to mention a flawless beauty.

God bless the women of melanin – there’s sooo much booty.
I watch a lot of shows but lean hard towards those Southern cuties.

It could be their accents that I feel connects us.
I too am a southern belle — I’m from Texas.

All the same I remain tuned-in because their story lines can’t be beat.
As well as their hair, lashes, nails, big pouty lips and #PrettyShoe feet.

Ooo Wee I absolutely feel kindred to their spirits indeed.
Yes sir and yes ma’am – I’m digging BravoTv.

It’s “THAT” season
And these two shows are the reason

That I keep (BravoTV) tuning in.
They’re the reasons why I’m
mentioning it to friends…

I like chocolate and skin of deep melanin.
Reminds me a lot of me and my kin.
It’s good to see my hood on #WIN.

So while I remain remote, I am up to date on all of the tea,
I’m a Qui
Happy Monday baby, I’m that Southern lady staying connected thru BravoTV.

Ps – Mariah and Phaedra are a little too much for me. Ooo!
But their make-up is always fresh, on fleek and absolutely FABU!!

Qui Kisses

Southern Hoods: I Love You!

Messy Medicine – I’m Married to IT.

In Communication, Griot, Networking, Sports, TV Shows on August 14, 2015 at 7:10 am

Lisa Nicole Cloud and hubby, Darren

Okay, okay, you know I take my black reality shows to heart
therefore I am sure to NOT miss a single show via DVR.

Married to Medicine is full of stars, slights and eyebrows up,
there’s tea, there’s shade and things “married society” would forbade – all up in the cut.

Lisa Nicole stays in a rut. Scrip-scrap!
Though I do have to give the show producers “BIG dap!”

2 episodes past the stripper club wheres asses clap
we still have Lisa and her hubbys infidels on tap.

Now I’m an avid MARRIED TO MEDICINE watcher
so if Lisa reads this and comes for me — don’t stop her!

I’ll be waiting. I see how she rolls.
She gone keep throwing water till that lip gets swoll.

I’m not a fighter of fists, sticks and bones but please let it be heard:
if you come at me sideways talking yay-yay, I’ll ‘cut you to the nub’ with my words.

I spit facts that hit hard like verbs.
I tattle so smooth, it’ll elevate the viewers like herbs.

Anywho, the truth of the matter is, there are more than a few sisters on this show
that have issues with one another… but it never gets old. It’s good television, Yo!

The hair and the fashions just can not be beat
The men that pair these women, love them dearly and each so sweet.

I like the dynamics and the chemistry boo-boo’s will get them paid.
But what was up with the info on the last episode? Something ’bout “gay?”

Did you hear it? It was at the show’s end, when the editors were forecasting WHAT’S NEXT,
a guy approached Quad with an “Oh my God!” That made me roll and snap my neck.


Roll and snap my neck like this!

Lisa Nicole was outed by a stripper highlighting ‘this is [Lisa’s] hubby’s favorite club.’
And then Lisa went ape-ish on Jill; like she was itching to be a hands-on thug.

Lisa thought Jill paid the stripper to lie about Darren.
But why would Jill do that? She’s not privy Lisa’s husbands affairin.’

I wanna know more NOW, but at first I wasn’t carin’.
Lisa’s always high-strung when you mention ol’ Darren.

Like I said, the show is mad interesting. I see the deeds and seeds they’re sewing.
I’m going to sit back & laugh at the hype & the gas; a live show with no Terrel Owens.

Terrel Owens drama was never boring or shorn.
I enjoyed him anxting folks. I had my popcorn.

I enjoy Married to Medicine and I really do hope the theatrics are all for show.
But what about that little WHAT’S NEXT snippet when that dude was talking to Quad, yo?

I’m concerned about that little part that just absolutely, twisted me around three times and threw me —
Ol’ boy said to Quad, ‘What is she [Lisa] going to say when she finds out he’s sleeping with me?’

Do whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
That’s my time – on this cut.

I appreciated their lil’ sneak peek. Next week we are all going to see.
Be easy. Be sweet.  Peace & blessings. I am Qui 
and sometimes Medicine can be a little Messy.