You’re so sensitive

In Communication, Griot, Networking, News, Self Improvement, TV Shows on August 2, 2013 at 2:13 pm

Did You HearWhat’s your take on the rash of paranormal series that have infiltrated the satellite TV view? Do you find them enlightening or perhaps entertaining? Have you learned something new? Are there spirits around you?

Let’s do a quick assessment…

Question: Are you a sensitive?
Answer: In general, if you have to ask, you’re not. Most people who are know that they are, and tend to keep it to themselves, or within a small circle of family or friends.

Did you hear about
Giancarlo Espisito’s ghost story or Billy Dee Williams paranormal experience?
I did and they were both pretty jarring.

Believe it or not, most people usually have something about them that attracts activity to them, or so I’ve heard. I have also  heard that people who have had near-death experiences are more likely to experience a heightened level of awareness, sensitivity or sixth sense.  And while that might be true, I personally can’t recall having had any near-death experiences in my life – Thank God.

Question: Are sensitive gifts passed down through genes?
Answer: The answer is scientifically inconclusive.

It seems that most psychics and sensitives may have a like-family member that came before them, (a parent or grand parent), that has (or had during their lifetime) a sensitivity to sixth senses. In my case, it was my fathers grandmother. I remember sitting on the porch with her, (during a day out of school due to asthma) and a young lady walking down the street stopped off to have small talk with her. She talked about quite a few things, but I remember her mentioning that she could not find her purse. I don’t recall my grandmother responding to her, anything in particular, but several days later the same lady came strolling by again. This time she just waved and said, “Hello Mrs. Adele.” My grandmother called the woman over and told her, “That purse that you’ve been looking for is in your closet.” The woman said, “Really? Which one [closet]?” Grams said, “I’m not sure, but you rarely use this closet and your purse is sitting to the right on top of the shelf.” The very next day, the lady came running into the yard screaming my grandmothers name and waving a purse. My grandmother hardly looked surprised or very interested in the story behind the purse, however, I was head over heels about the predication and the find. I was only about 7 years old or so and I was completely blown away. I began to wonder if I should ask her about my black church shoes? I’d misplaced them days prior and mom and dad were really riding me about them…

Question: What if I do have sensitive or sixth sense gifts? Will watching reality shows like Paranormal State and Long Island Medium help?
Answer: If you want to learn how to utilize proper english, you take language arts course. If you want to learn to speak Spanish, you take a Spanish course. If you want to learn how to hone your spiritual gifts, you might want to take a psychic or medium class or you could DVR any one of the satellite flooded paranormal reality shows and learn a few pointers .

Crossing Over with John Edwards was an afternoon show that would come on CBS in the early 2000’s. John Edward is a medium and would enter a room full of no less than a hundred hopeful guests and began doing random readings. It was awesome! But something must have happened, because just when it seemed the show was opening up, gaining a following and a showcasing a decent budget – it was cancelled. There’s wasn’t ever a trailing story that Mr. Edwards was a fake or anything defaming, yet the fact remains – the show is no longer in broadcast or in syndication.

Did the spirits object to signing the television waver or something? I really don’t know, but several other paranormal shows now vie for the  top spiritual spot.

Question: Where can I find a psychic medium class?
Answer: That’s a good question and actually a pretty easy one to answer, just type your question +  your city and state into a search engine box and enjoy the results of all kind of classes, courses and seminars. You can also inquire about information on such classes at authentic herbal stores. The herbal store clerks seem to know about everything off-of the beaten path. Drop in and inquire.

Me? I’m already pretty sensitive – my friends and family very well know.
I’m Qui
and I’ve got one question for ya, Do You Believe in The Paranormal – yo?

  1. I rather enjoy the paranormal shows. For me, it all started with the introduction of SUPERNATURAL (series) — every since season 1, I have been open to all types of paranormal shows. Maybe it’s my curiosity, but I definitely believe that there’s more on this earth than what we can see. Doo-do-do-do Doo-do-do-do ♫♫(mouthing the Twilight Zone theme music)♫ lol!

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