Posts Tagged ‘elliptical machine’


In Communication, fitness, Griot, Networking, News, Self Improvement, weightloss on September 14, 2016 at 5:07 am

healthy-living-emojiWell I’m 3-weeks into my 2nd round of clean eating in 12-months. The first time I did it for 11-weeks, dedicating 6 of those weeks to abosolutely no carbs, sugar or fat IN ANY FORM. Stevia is my friend. The remainder weeks I slowly reintroduced foods back into my diet that I like, but I was acutely aware of the fat grams in each. If it’s full of fat, I won’t eat it because I’m training my body to digest the necessaries and very little of the unnecessary. Post my 11-week clean eating run I was 30 pounds down. I lost an additional 3-5 pounds over the last 9-months that allowed me easy fluctuation during PMS. In other words, I haven’t regained the weight back, not even during PMS. Yay!!!!

So why am I doing it again? EATING CLEAN
Honestly, there’s absolutely no feeling like it. The clarity of mind reminds me of my teen years. The ease of control over my emotions is amazing. I laugh more. I’m conscientious, more (I don’t know if you consider that a plus – but I actually do. 🙂 ). Also the change in my physique is amazing to the point that it’s almost hard to believe IT’S MINE. I mean, I had been a size 12-14 all of my parenting life (since having children) and I have tried every fad diet, fitness treadmill, boot camp in-the-park regimens and OTC weight loss aids on the market and not ever did I achieve such success.

In fact, I thought losing weight or trying to adopt a new “diet” to change my body after 40 would nearly be impossible because most of my elders were pudgy. And when I say “my elders” I don’t mean in my family, but in the work place, my neighbors… you know, the people that are older than you, regardless of their race who seem to have retained more mass space as they got older – or so they tell me. Not only did I believe them, I saw it happening to my own waistline, and couldn’t explain it. My Mom calls it “the middle-age spread.” I am happy to report my dress size is comfortably an 8-10. It has returned to what it was before I had children. Well, actually I was a size 7 before children. Not sure I won’t to be that small again. I kind of like these curves.

Click the image for the RECIPE to make YEAST ROLLS

Click the image for the RECIPE to make these YEAST ROLLS

Sweet on Bread.
I won’t lie BREAD is the culprit. I love bread with or without butter or meat. Carbs have been with me through some of my most difficult times in life. Oh! You don’t know chocolate chip cookies like I know chocolate chip cookies or even chocolate – for that matter. Ours is a special love. My guy and I have been together since high school. He used to bring me chocolates on every visit and I would happily accept. Heck, I expected it, looked forward to it and probably would have had an attitude, had he not. 🙂 Anywho, we’ve been together well over 2 decades now and he was stuck in a sweet groove with me. The chocolates were weekly, if not daily until 11 months ago. I quit cold turkey October 29, 2015 — 2 days before HALLOWEEN. I quit for 11-weeks. I have since put my hand (not hands) back into the cookie jar and the candy good bag, but consciously. 2 Oreos instead of a row and now I take all day to eat a stick of ROLO’s instead of consuming them all in one sitting (60-120 seconds). The changes seems elementary, but it is little changes like these – that has kept the weight off. However, today, I am eating clean and on week 3 – so there will be no cookies or candy, in fact, there are no carbs, sugar or fat (not even to cook with) and I will be in this mode for another week or 2. I’ve gotta tell ya’ I feel great! This feeling of good health and sound sleep is better than any desert I could chuck down in a minute or so. This feeling, to me, is far more addictive. Wooo! Good morning!


Click the image for a delicious LOW CAL Pan Seared Shrimp recipe.

Shrimp before bed.
It’s not a great dietary idea, but I have been a bit hungry before bed over the last two days and was quick to pan sear shrimp and consume it. I don’t recommend eating and going to sleep, but if you are faced with hunger pangs that make you think of cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets;  if you are able to identify a call for protein – CONSUME IT – the protein. If  you don’t… well I don’t want to think of the fast food alternatives that may take its place and quickly. The last time I went on a clean eating journey eating unlimited strawberries did the trick when I was hungry before bed and I’m still using strawberries as a goto “suffice hunger” food, however, the last two nights have been protein specific. I’m hear to report that my shedding of fat ounces continued still. I have not gained one pound over the last two days. Woo! Ounces add up! 11 pieces of pan seared shrimp is only 70 calories and yields like, 1 gram of fat — YOU FEEL ME?

The Take Away.
Beyond shedding unwanted pounds naturally, looking better in my clothes and understanding how to use food to help and even heal my body I also found this insightful write up I thought I’d share with you: CHANGING THE SIZE OF YOUR STOMACH. It’s a piece about whether or not changing your diet and eating habits will shrink or enlarge your stomach. My personal weigh-in on the topic is light, 😉 but I’m going to say that my stomach has shrunk a bit. Quite a bit. I just don’t eat like I used to 11-months ago and I’m HAPPY WITH IT. I am full faster and again, I am 30 pounds lighter. Now, I’m no doctor but I do think that a GREAT PART of my diet and fitness success is knowledge. The difference between my dieting in the past and my dieting now is I understand food. I finally understand what happens once food goes in and how the breakdown is distributed. I’m not interested in eating chocolate every night anymore, mostly because I simply don’t crave it like that and when I’m not eating clean, I do indulge seldom. Halloween is coming bags of candy will be purchased by me to hand out and while I won’t be eating clean, I am mindful not to keep too much in my own hand lest it lead to my mouth. lol!

I’m 6-pounds down and that’s great too!
I’m working out – like an elliptical-machine-lovin’ youth. 😉

I eat a lot of ruffage, because it keeps me full.
I make my own fat-free dressing – that over-the-counter stuff is bull.

Need a good fat free homemade recipe to get you through?
Look online, any recipe other than one you buy will do!

Be encouraged – because I mean business.
Eating Clean is for us all, YOU CAN DO THIS.

I’ve got your back – meet me in fitness ally.
The ounces will fall off without cost
You’ll be overwhelmed at keeping tally.


Eating Clean is easy if you say it is.
Your body wants it, your mind enables ‘the biz!’

Say it, research it and craft supportive help (links) before you even start.
The food from the garden is good for your mind, your spirit and heart.

I’m no nutritionist, but I’m feeling fitter with every meal,
I’m Qui
HUMP THIS from me: Research #CleanEating and find your appeal.

You COMPLETELY Deserve It.

Meme & You: MESSAGE!

In fitness, News, Self Improvement, weightloss on June 8, 2016 at 12:04 am


Good morning baby. What it do?
I want to spend the day talking about Meme & You.

I thought I’d open up with just a few
in GIF formation; an easy auto view.

And here I am – up early and duly working out.
Taking control of life is what it’s all about.

I don’t like to exercise as much as ‘a gym rat’ does
still I’m up every morning giving this elliptical machine love.

I just want to change my size, my frame, my look in the mirror.
As the dress size was on the rise, one thing became clearer:

take-control-life.jpgI was going to have to change.
I tried to talk myself out of it – I was insane.

Now that I’ve lost a few and understand weight manipulation
I’m off to winning the races in my food to calorie-burn relation.

I’m a member of MyFitnessPal and I wear a FitBit.
Look me up and let’s hook up if that’s your joint– your ‘ish.
I love this!


And so sometimes I use Meme‘s to talk to myself.
I gravitate towards those that yield wisdom used to achieve wealth.

I stay away from silly messages, though I’m down to share a comedic laugh.
But no memes are more important than those that encourage you to get up off of your ass.

Yeah, go on and laugh and then take control of that area you lack,
I’m Qui
Working it out and Oui! You know I’ve got your back!


Yoda and Yoga

In Communication, Griot, News, Self Improvement on January 5, 2016 at 8:17 am

The two have more in common than just the sound of their name. Both are in a relationship with the force of the body and wisdom. I’m not a die hard STAR WARS fan but I do love Yoda.

When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not.”

Yoda, Return of the Jedi


Very true that quote is, which is exactly why I’m on the chase to sculpt my body into
something fantastic this year. I’m quite excited fitness. I’ve been working out on an average of 6-days a week. I could probably stand to cut back, but honestly, it’s not strenuous workouts. I hone an elliptical machine for no less than 65-minutes straight each morning. If the latter of the day permits me time, I squeeze in an even lower impact 20 (+) additional minutes– (moderate walking speed). The elliptical machine works my arms and legs simultaneously and the caloric burn is unreal. So I wasn’t put off when I started to get a little lower back aggravation.
Working out 6-days a week is nothing to scoff at.
The lower back pain wasn’t persistent or too, too bad, but it was often enough for me to start researching stretches and things I could possibly do to alleviate it. Because the elliptical machine works both the upper body and lower, I’m also experiencing muscle tightness in my shoulders and between my blades. It doesn’t help that I naturally hold tension in my shoulders. There is no room for additional taut in my trapezius muscles.

It is wise to know thy body, Yoda is right. In search of non-medicated muscle relief (so that I can get back to my fun and awesome workouts), I came across many suggestions of muscle stretching and lengthening via Yoga. I’m all in!


Click to enlarge.



Click picture to enlarge it.



Click to enlarge.

happy divider

If wisdom is on the table – I’m trying to eat it.
Once knowledge is conquered, I’m down to seed it.

I’m glad you dropped by and decided to read it.
Yoda and Yoga are categorized wisdom. I need it.

Yoda and Yoga are my go-to’s when I’m looking to dimensionally elongate,
I’m Qui
Happy Tuesday to thee – I’m scheduled to write on Hump Day – but I just couldn’t wait. 😀