Archive for November, 2014|Monthly archive page

Schmoozing with Fab5

In Communication, Griot, Music, Networking, News, Self Improvement, Travel, TV Shows on November 28, 2014 at 7:20 am
FFF Vegas2014 Fall

Fred “Fab5Freddy” Brathwaite – Vegas 2014

A trip to New York is not ever complete without a trip to visit my awesome mentor and dear friend Fred “Fab5Freddy” Brathwaite, so that’s exactly what I did.

Fab is a very busy man, so let me express as much as possible how honored I was to get “any of his time” let alone time at the breakfast and dinner table with him. For breakfast we dined on a read by Talib Kweli with a side of bacon, pancakes and a fantastic cup of jo, (that he prepared for us). Good stuff. The literal cuisine was captivating and rivet-connecting. The article was titled, “Nigga? Please.” It was quite sufficient.

An evening meal of Ecuadorian rice caught us discussing Steve Stout‘s: The Tanning Of America. My mentor is a museum of knowledge and always has an interesting piece on hand. No boring conversation there. Knowledge rules the world, and I prefer to be a part of the ruling force, so I jotted down a reminder to get ahold of TTOA – all four hours of it.

Yes, I made tons of notes during our time together, but getting more familiar with The Tanning of America was at the top of my list. It was broadcast live in February of this year, and I don’t know how, but somehow I must have missed it. Thanks to VH1, I’m all caught up and am able to lay it out today, for your review.

Why would you want to review the broadcast too? Well, for one, this is the perfect time to watch it. It won’t clear up anything that’s going on in the world today as it pertains to race relations, Mike Brown or Travon Martin. No. But what it will do is hip you, educate you to the culture of your other neighbor. If nothing else, it opens up an interesting discussion. America needs so many more discussions.

Let’s see what all of the melanin is about in The Tanning of America:

Fab 5 Freddy sits on the panel with an awesome lineup of #GoodHeads hosted by Gail King: Steve Stout, Nas, Al Sharpton, Billy Corben and Daymond John

The full broadcast ran 4-days, for one hour each day. Click HERE to taste the knowledge.

musical divider

Unity is in the Music.
If it’ll work, then sure! Let’s use it.

There’s more connecting us, than what keeps us apart.
The Tanning of America’s discussion is timely and smart.

Schmoozing with Fab5Freddy always leaves my lobes on wrinkle,
I’m Qui
And if knowledge was bladder heavy — every 5 minutes I’d have to tinkle.

Jam a Fab Freddy throwback!
FFF G-Shock Mix 2012

Getting Back To It

In Communication, Griot, Music, Networking, News, Self Improvement on November 26, 2014 at 6:10 am

The Grind

Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker

So tomorrow is THANKSGIVING DAY 
so thankful for life, I am yielding to pray.

I’m sitting here in Chandler, on this Wednesday Morning
thinking about the tone that we’re forecasting for future dawning .

I am an involved parent, who likes to be all-up-in-it.
I chauffeur to and from school, everyday: 80-minutes.

Conversation in the car has been thick
I’ve no “dancing around the obvious” tricks.

My kid is 17 and I heard the pain in her throat
when she said, “America! What’s wrong? I can’t wait to vote!”

She’s ON IT. She’s awake. I prayed for a graceful awakening.
Seems the generation before hers is down for some ‘earth shaking.’

They see the injustice and while they love Dr. Martin Luther King
They believe in being incessantly pushy to change a wrong thing.

I love them and I love you, America. I love the good intent of our system.
To act like an injustice is not going on is to be dismissive and consequent wishin’.

I pray no violence breaks out and no lives are lost in the face of this struggle.
I can’t believe you can’t feel my pain. Come on. Bring it in. I’m a big hugga’.

My kid is concerned about what she’s going to have to face tomorrow, beyond the high school doors.
I’m melancholy that she’s awake. Hurt that I can’t protect her, anymore, from the worlds unbalanced scores.

She’s a black kid, and I am a black mother.
I raised her to love all. We’re LIFE LOVERS.

I do what I’ve got to do and now, I’m fixed on my grind – talking to you.
I’ve got some positive routes that I’m going to have to hip her to.
This is a journey. I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do.
I’m praying for the situation. I’m praying for you.

I’m praying for me. I’ve got somethings to deal with.
It’s Hump Day baby, and I’m Getting Back To It!

I’m happy that I have this avenue to vent what doth pierce my heart,
I’m Qui
Happy to be linked to thee. I bid you peace, love and a positive spark!

Good Customer Service


Black Friday is on its way,
and your bank balance includes holiday pay!

It’s on now!
Macy’s is about see you clown now!

I ain’t mad at you. Retail therapy can be so good it can make you holla,
so more power to ya sister and brother – just spend wisely, that dollar.

Just don’t be so quick to patronize
those who despise

your very brown existence
following you around the store ‘thief wishin.’

I’m not saying Macy’s is that kind of joint,
but your dollar has weight… and that is my point.

Have fun on Black Friday, consuming those sales.
If shopkeepers don’t make you feel welcomed, exit the store like, “Oh well.

Take your weighty dollars and bail.
I’m sure, up the way, there’s an all encompassing sale.

Pay attention to #Marketing & #CustomerService


No sooner than a black president is put into office
racism kicks up and hails #1 divisive topic.

Please keep in mind, Trayvon and Mike are two very recent reasons
why blacks feel like this is quite the nasty season.

Airing It Out

TOGETHERness Unity

WE can do better. FEEL for ME like I FEEL for YOU.

Come on. We have to talk about it sometimes. Don’t let those riling up bad times be the only ones able to rile. It’s time to stand together and say enough is enough. A shift in police power in a negative light may be your neighbors concern today, but by the looks of things, the lack of compassion and in some cases ‘the condoning of’ such behavior will indeed be your problem tomorrow. Then what? You’re going to want me to be outraged and march about it? Guess what? I probably will. Because I care about how you feel. Do you care for me as much?

I’m obviously worried about the state of my country;
I don’t care what others think, our current feel is foul and funky.

I’m worried about race relations and the message we’re sending to the youth.
I’m worried that we told them this was a “post racial era,” when we knew that wasn’t true.

I never bought into that anyway. If you’re a minority, everything but post racism rules the day,
I’m Qui
Not surprised about the Ferguson ruling. Historical nastiness continues to play.

No need for you to personally get hurt just to feel my pain.
Unite with me today and let’s tourniquet this bleeding vein.

PS… Judging by the lay of topics in view,
I’d have to say this is definitely a NEWS PERUSE.

You have been served. 🙂

Turned on by…

In Communication, Griot, Self Improvement, TV Shows on November 24, 2014 at 6:15 am


lifeThe little miracles that add up to a heart beating all day – strong.
I’m turned on by “the freedom of will,” to choose right from wrong.

I’m turned on folks! Because life is exactly what you make of it.
If good is your base, continue the chase – you’re certainly going to make it.

I’m turned on by knowledge! So I consume it everyday.
I’m always smiling, and question wilding to good minds that come my way.

Hey-ey. How you doin’?” I’m saying in my Wendy Williams voice.
I like the way it feels. Turned on by life — it’s my choice.

Good morning blogosphere world. If you’re reading and breathing, then you’re good,
I’m Qui
Glad to be kicking it with thee. I’m turned on that you stopped by my hood.

Every stimulation isn’t a sexual one, for my nipples did not perk on this cue.
I’m turned on because you’re healthy and strong. I’ve nothing but good love for you.

Qui Turned On Fall2014

Jam with me today: JILL SCOTT